How to favour exposure time over ISO?
So let’s start the ball rolling. This is a question that has been asked in many different guises on the TLV FaceBook page.
Supposing we know what the final exposure should be for a night exposure (good old 500 rule) and we want to keep the ISO as low as possible, how do we config that?
In my experience I often end up with an exposure time lower than my target and an ISO that is higher. The overall exposure is often correct.
As of right now (firmware v1.7), it’s not possible to set specific parameters for the night exposure. The VIEW tries to optimally select the best exposure possible given various constraints, the primary being the interval.
If you want a night shutter speed of 30s, for example, keep in mind that it’s actually 32s exposure time (powers of 2), plus 3-4 seconds for processing, so your night interval in this case should be 36 seconds (32 + 4).
Within the interval, the VIEW will try to keep the shutter as long as possible (unless you set a limit) and the ISO as low as possible.