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How to favour exposure time over ISO?

Solved22970 viewsGeneral TimelapseTimelapse+ VIEW

So let’s start the ball rolling. This is a question that has been asked in many different guises on the TLV FaceBook page.

Supposing we know what the final exposure should be for a night exposure (good old 500 rule) and we want to keep the ISO as low as possible, how do we config that?

In my experience I often end up with an exposure time lower than my target and an ISO that is higher. The overall exposure is often correct.


Think the desire here is for the algo to adjust exp time favored over iso, so for example if the max interval is 36 the view would first reach an exposure of 30s @ 50-100iso then resort to iso as the last defense to maintain the exposure.

What I think would also be interesting would be a programmed interval increase over the course of the shot or perhaps even interval keyframes so the change in speed can be controlled or spread out through a shot making the interval transition a little less abrupt curve.

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